New! Easier submission of articles to Materials and Devices!
(november, 2019)
Submitting an article to a journal is often fastidious and submission processes lead to a considerable loss of time: very often,… (see post)
New! The OAJ Materials and Devices is now in the DOAJ!
(september, 2019)
After exchanges with the DOAJ representants, we are happy to inform you that our Open Access journal Materials and Devices has been accepted in this directory.
The Directory of Open Access Journals includes now Materials and Devices and indexes its articles. It is an important improvement for the visibility of the journal.
The OAJ Materials and Devices is free of charges, is secured by HAL, and lets you benefit from a rigorous reviewing by pairs. You retain rights on your article and you are encouraged to share it freely, to reuse parts without permission etc.
Moreover we garantee you that all submitted articles are processed and analyzed on a pure scientific point of view (*).
Publication is generally fast because we ask referrees to reply within 3 weeks.
Submitting a manuscript in Materials and Devices is simple: know more by clicking here!
Visit the journal’s last volume
(*) In order to increase artificially the impact factor of their journal, you have to know that some editors choose arbitrarily to take your article into consideration – or NOT, only by taking into account :
- the number of your contacts as can be seen in your profiles (in LinkedIn, Researchgate, etc)
- the number of scientists working in the field of the submitted article
- the number of analogous articles published recently
in order to estimate if your article will be cited, without any consideration of the scientific content.
We garantee you that all submitted articles are processed from a strict scientific point of view, and that we do not practice any censorship of this type.
Collaborating Academics and its Open Access Journal Materials and Devices
present you their best wishes for 2019!
Let’s meet in 2019 around new attractive projects! Your suggestions and propositions are welcome!
A good health, happiness, success and prosperity for you and your family!
News (see posts):
- The OAJ Materials and Devices needs you!
- COLLABORATING ACADEMICS has signed the Jussieu Call for Open science and bibliodiversity (see here). We invite you to join!
- The Open Access Journal MATERIALS AND DEVICES (ISSN 2495 – 3911) published by Collaborating Academics is now secured by HAL (Hyper Articles on Line) as a collection. This allows to digitally preserve the journal and published articles in the long term.
- Consider seriously this journal as an ideal solution to publish your articles: you keep all rights on your work (so you may distribute freely reprints after publication), everything is free of charge, articles processing is transparent and fair, and publication may be fast.
- The corresponding address is :
TEAM1 (1st Transpyrenean Encounter on Advanced Materials)
TEAM1 is now over! It has been a nice meeting in the touristic town of Sète, and we now have to think about TEAM2, that should be organized on the other site of Pyrenean mountains!
The proceedings remain accessible in the site of the event here.
The abstracts book is published in the site of Materials and Devices and may be downloaded here.
Archive: previsional program download

See you in Sète!
- Massive Online Opencourse on Materials – starting may, 8th!
Collaborating Academics is a NGO («Association loi 1901») based in France, gathering academics and scientists from countries all around the world.
Projects led by our NGO, concern:
- organization of scientific meetings, schools, workshops, etc,
- scientific edition in its open access form, in order to disseminate scientific results and information, and particularly make scientific information available to all countries without barrier,
- support to high education and scientific research in less advanced, and developing countries.
- mainly research on sustainable development, renewable energy, water, solar energy for rural development, environment preservation,…
Science is the motor of development, and knowledge is a powerful tool against poverty and for building a sustainable world.
Feel free to join us, we need you!