Easier conditions in the OAJ Materials and Devices

Submitting a new article is often a fastidious task and leads to a considerable loss of time for scientists: authors have to prepare their article following a template, with very specific requirements given by the journal, as organizing figures, figure captions, references, format, etc.

It happens nowadays that some journals, to increase mechanically their impact factor, do not process directly submitted papers to reviewers, and editors analyze the submitted article to estimate its impact on the basis of author’s profile and number of contacts in social networks, on “popularity” of topics, etc. So that, authors may receive from the editor, the answer that their article will not be processed and should be sent to a more appropriate journal… having different requirements which imposes to reorganize the paper according to a new template, until an editor finally agrees to give the article to reviewers so that the work of scientific analysis of the content is done. It may thus happen frequently that a given manuscript, before its publication, had to be prepared several times in different formats!

The advantages of the OAJ Materials and Devices are that:

  • all articles are processed from a pure scientific point of view and are sent to reviewers
  • the journal accepts now, during the evaluation stage, any freely prepared manuscript
  • regarding references, the journal now accepts any reference style (Vancouver, Harvard, Chicago, APA,…)

These new features will avoid losses of precious time of researchers.

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