COLLABORATING ACADEMICS has signed the Jussieu Call that “was drafted on the campus Jussieu in Paris by a French group comprising researchers and scientific publishing professionals working together in Open Access and Public Scientific Publishing task forces of BSN (Bibliothèque scientifique numérique, or Digital Scientific Library). It is aimed at scientific communities, professional associations and research institutions to promote a scientific publishing open-access model fostering bibliodiversity and innovation without involving the exclusive transfer of journal subscription monies to APC payments.”
Content of the call:
“As asserted in the Amsterdam Call released in 2016, Open Access to scientific publishing is at a crossroads. After several years of an exacting struggle aiming at persuading somewhat skeptical stakeholders, Open Access has now won strong support and a rapid shift of the scientific communication system to an Open Access publishing model can be expected. “The time for talking about open access is now past”.
The means to achieve the goal of Open Access are yet to be discussed. We believe that the issue of business models has to be refocused in the broader perspective of the editorial processes and methods upon which research and innovation will rely in the future and that they may only develop for the benefit of a very broad bibliodiversity.
We find it necessary to foster an Open Access model that is not restricted to a single approach based on the transfer of subscriptions towards APCs (publication fees charged to authors to allow free access to their articles). Such an approach would hamper innovation and otherwise would slow if not check the advent of bibliodiversity. Therefore, we adhere to the Joint Statement of UNESCO and the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) on Open Access which highlights all the difficulties caused by this single model.
Our goal is thus to develop and implement alternative models…”. Continue reading here.