This five-day course will cover key aspects of lattice and molecular dynamics simulation techniques with a particular emphasis on modelling dynamical properties of materials. The school will consist of lectures from subject experts, presenting the underlying models and basics of the methods; these theoretical presentations will be complemented with practical sessions.
Poster and oral sessions for presentations by participants will also be organised.
The main objective of the school is to provide information that would allow the attendees to become independent and conscious users of the lattice or molecular dynamics simulations in their own research.
LaMoDy.1 is aimed at researchers of all levels working in the field of solid state and chemical physics, physical chemistry, and materials science, and willing to benefit from the use of atomistic simulation techniques in their own studies. Postgraduate students being interested to attend are welcome. Participation of academics and industry researchers is also encouraged.
The number of places being limited, a preregistration is necessary before march, 21.
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